The Heart of Community, Commerce and Connectivity

Railroad Street was at one time the center of commerce, and thus one of the most important and well-known places in each community that hosted the road. Whether the road was followed with the suffix of Street, Avenue, Place, Way or Circle, civic boosters took pride when they could add this name onto their local plat. It meant that their community, big or small, had access to that all-important connection to the outside world. For it was from Railroad Street, where people, goods, mail, parcels, and even telegrams could reach beyond the town limits to the outer world.
Here, one generally found the depot, and often a separate freight house. With a connection to markets beyond their own, businesses that depended on economical transportation bought land parcels here to gain access to the tracks. Grain elevators, warehouses, mills, lumber yards, coal and oil dealers, and manufacturers of everything imaginable moved onto Railroad Street.
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