My house (by choice) is surrounded by trees, some of which I planted, some I just let come up from seed and some, well, they just kinda are “there”. Of course, there are trade-offs to having all these trees and come fall, my work begins. I must pay for my love of trees and this fall was no exception.
It’s a late November day, the trees have finally said, enough is enough, and have shed the last of their leaves. This Sunday morning is quiet and the coffee (all 8 cups!) has kicked in, so it’s high time to get the last raking done. Most of the trees are up behind the house, so I proceed to make three big leaf piles there, before heading to the front to make two more piles of nice dry leaves. Now, out come the leaf bags and I clear the back yard quickly before heading to the front yard and as I do what do I spy but a headlight on the Allegheny River Bridge—an Allegheny Valley Railroad train is making a morning run to the Buffalo and Pittsburgh railroad. There is an advantage to living up on a ridge above the railroad, especially when the leaves fall. This may be worth a couple shots. The weather’s not great, but there’s a train to be had!
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