Road Trip

Jefferson City, Tennessee – October, 2021
I am on my way to Chicago to attend Conversations 2022, the annual conference of the Center for Railroad Photography & Art on April 8-10. The event is being held live again after a couple of years of virtual conferences made necessary by the pandemic. I look forward to seeing some old friends, meeting some new ones, and attending the many presentations that make up the conference schedule.
In the past, I have flown to Chicago for the conference, but this year I am driving there. After the conference ends, I will be traveling west to Colorado, then through New Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana to Vicksburg, Mississippi, where I will visit for a few days and then travel back home to Virginia. I am planning to take my time along the way, take lots of photographs, and see a lot of the country that I have never been to before.
I will be following the tracks for much of the trip. The railroad always leads to the most interesting places and I am particularly interested to see the small, off-the-beaten-path towns that the railroad passes through.

I will be away for the entire month of April, but The Trackside Photographer will continue to publish as usual. We have a great photo-essay by Samuel Howard on The Rio Grande Southern, and an in-depth look at the former New York Central’s Dickinson Yard by Doug Bess coming up in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned!
Edd Fuller, Editor
What a great trip you will have! Perhaps you can do a zoom meeting for us! 🙂
Great and interesting as always. Be safe.
Wonderful! I love the kind of photos you will be taking. Have a nice time. I love this Trackside Photographer site…..keep up the great work!
Sounds like a fabulous trip. Safe travels. I am sure all your subscribers are looking forward to seeing the results of your journey.
Enjoy Conversations! Someday I hope to attend.