New Year’s Resolutions

I don’t usually indulge in New Year’s resolutions. Too many disappointments over the years I guess, and I still don’t understand trigonometry and haven’t written that book in spite of well intentioned January wish lists. But I am going to make a couple of modest resolutions for 2023. I plan to travel more while I still can and spend more time on my own photography.
For those reasons, among others, I will be retiring as the editor of The Trackside Photographer. Submissions will be accepted through January 19th and we will continue to publish until all of the articles in the pipeline are online. After that, there will be no new content published although The Trackside Photographer will remain available online indefinitely. The final article will most likely appear sometime in March to complete seven years of publication.
This has been a difficult decision for me; one that I have thought about for over a year and I feel the time is now right. I am so grateful for the support and encouragement of all our readers and contributors over the years. The Trackside Photographer has been enjoyable and rewarding to produce, and I have made many friends in the railfan community.
Thanks and all the best in 2023. Onward and upward!
Edd Fuller, Editor
Naturally we are all sorry to hear about this Edd, but wish you the very best for your photography and travels. Whenever a new post appears, I always stop what I’m doing at the time and read it through and I’m sure I’m not alone in that. There is nothing out there remotely like Trackside Photographer and the editor’s contributions were one of the best things about it. It will be missed!
Good morning Edd; I will be sad when you give up your posts, I have enjoyed the ride with you. I consider it a blessing to have exchanged photographs with you this past year and I will always cherish your gift. If providence brings you over on this side of the mountain to Cass to see the Durbin and Greenbriar Railroad’s progress on the new line between Cass and Durbin, it would be a pleasure to have you over for a visit.
I am sorry to hear you are retiring as I have enjoyed your posts and narratives. Thanks for what you have provided and best of luck on your next phase in life.
Sorry Edd that you will stop publishing but happy for you that you can pursue some of your interests. My brother Bob Hughes would have been very happy as well.Trackside Photographer meant the world to him. Best of luck to you in the future.
I wish you a happy retirement. Thank you for all that you have done.
Edd: Just discovered “THE TRACKSIDE PHOTOGRAPHER” about two years ago. Simply a great site. You’ve done a wonderful job and I’m truly sorry to learn about its final editions. Thank you for all that you made available to those who subscribed. I’ll truly miss it. Bill
I imagine this must have been a difficult decision to make for you. All you have done with this is so very much appreciated. Your future plans sound like something most of us would treasure as a “bucket list” dream endeavor. There are certainly plenty more photos out there waiting to be taken. All Aboard!
Thank you for all you do and have done. Enjoy your next adventures.
I’ve enjoyed reading and in a very small way, contributing to The Trackside Photographer, Edd. I hope to see you on down the track. Enjoy what you have done and what you will now do. Highball!
Thank you Edd, will miss contributing to this site. It was very fun and exciting to read the various posts from lots of great people. Thank you for creating this place for us to meet online.
Is there any way we can help to keep it going? As a UK reader, there is nothing like this available. Dafydd
Agree entirely. Would the Railroad Photography & Art organisation be able to help? The site might be a good fit for them?
Sorry to hear that “The Trackside Photographer” will be pulling out of the station one final time in the next couple of months. I have really enjoyed it, but I guess it is time to move on to other adventures in life.
Hi Edd,
Read your announcement with sadness, but yes, at some time one has move on. Thanks very much for your work as Editor.
Will always go back and read the content again and again. Thanks for arranging keeping the site alive
Maybe during your travels we will come across each other one day at the lineside, somewhere, sometime, who knows?
With best regards