It’s the last day of November in the foothills of the California Sierra-Nevada and remarkably warm for the time of year. The station-board by the main line reads “Rocklin.” There is no longer a station building here but you can usually spot the location of a former Southern Pacific station by the presence of a mature palm tree, and in 1957 Rocklin has a fine specimen.
At one time, this was a staging point for the long climb to Donner Summit, but its roundhouse and its busy turntable are long gone. In 1957 Rocklin is a quiet, peaceful and unspoilt place. (Today, in 2022, there is an elevated highway interchange at this location.) On either side of the tracks a few wildflowers mix with the tall grasses, including some California poppies which have been dormant over the hottest months of the Summer. Jointed rails creak in the midday heat.
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