Print Exchange
While we all enjoy the ease and benefits of sharing our work online, there is still an important place in the world of photography for the print that you can hold in your hand and display in your home. So, as an experiment, I would like to exchange prints with you. I know that not everyone prints their work, but I am hoping that some of you will be willing to share your printed work with me in exchange for one of my prints.
Here is how it will work.
I am offering one of two prints of my own work.

If you would like to participate, choose one of these two prints and I will mail my print to you along with my return address so that you can send me your print. There is no cost to you other than the cost of producing and mailing your print.
The two prints I am offering are both inkjet printed on 8-1/2 X 11 Canon Premium Matte paper. One is in color and the other is black and white. There are no restrictions on size, paper or subject for your print. The only requirement is that it be a physical print, not a digital file.
I am not sure what the response to this might be, so I am limiting the exchange to the first twelve people who request it. Email me at, indicate your choice of print, and include your mailing address. I will send the print out to you along with instructions for mailing your print to me.
The exchange will end on October 1st. I hope you will consider taking part in this. I would love to see some of your work in printed form.
Edd Fuller, Editor