Go to the article by clicking on the photo

Christmas in the City

Interlocking Towers A Lost World

Point of Rocks, Maryland

Beyond the Tracks

When Documentation Becomes Art

Trackside Elegy

The Kate Shelley Story
Part Two

The Kate Shelley Story

Railroad Town: Concord, North Carolina

From the Main Line

Maine Central Remembered

Hawkston Humour

Railways of Greece Part 2

Railways of Greece Part 1

The Adventure of Rail Yard Findings

Coal Country

A Lesson Learned

Unfavorable Light

Railroad Town:
Nitro, West Virginia

A Job Well Done

Macro vs. Micro

Prairie Elegy

Railroad Town:
Bude, Mississippi

The Eads Bridge
St.Louis, Missouri


Ghosts of Winslow Junction

Babysitting and Railroads

Last Train to Arusha

Standing Tall

Wheat-Filled Wonders

West Virginia Signs

The Victor Zolinsky Collection

Birthday Finest


Bad weather

Toledo Union Station

Demise of the New River Bridge

Strong Arm Tower

Bugilbone Siding

Redstone Bridge

Built to last

Santa Fe Depot

End of the line
